Venturing Crew

Scouting 626 has a High Adventure focused Venturing Crew linked to the same Committee that manages both the Boys and Girls Troops. A Venturing Crew differs from the Scouts BSA Troops in that it is a fully co-ed program for youth ages 14-21. The youth are also more involved in the planning and implementation of their own activity plans.

Our Crews normally plan 2 separate summer adventures. Adventures we continue to do on a regular rotation include:

    • Canoeing in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area or on a regional River

    • Backpacking at the Philmont Scout Ranch High Adventure Base

    • SCUBA Diving in the Bahamas on a boat

Each summer adventure takes months of planning. Our Scouts will manage planning every aspect of their trips, guided and advised by adults who have taken these trips before. Only minimum adult supervision goes with out Scouts on the adventure, itself.